What a Night!!
What A Night!
Two quotes come to mind…
That. Just. Happened! Ricky Bobby.
On a more serious side: He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. Jim Eliot.
On Sunday night, we went deeper into what we really are to give and gain.
If you weren t able to make it to The BIG Event Sunday night, here s a recap. We need to raise $500,000 in year-end giving for food needs in 2010. We had originally planned to do a traditional ask to raise this money at the event. The Lord intervened, and went another direction. This was to be a night of generosity, but a different way. Instead of writing checks, we wrote down our own hurts and needs. And we shared our hearts and a deeper love buried within us, courtesy of a little girl named Alpha, in Malawi.
All who attended came forward and posted their prayer needs on prayer boards. We re sending those needs to our kids around the world, for them to give back in a MIGHTY way: to mobilize them in prayer. These children are so rich in Spirit.
For those of you who attended, what a vision you were! Seeing all of us streaming to the prayer boards right in front of a simple table of rice and beans was a sight to behold. You didn t take this lightly. You poured your hearts out with honesty. Hurting marriages. Addictions. Illnesses. Financial worry. One beautiful soul simply stated: I m scared. That about sums it up for us all.
We have deeper needs than we like to admit; and a Savior offering deeper love than we can fathom. Sometimes, He shows it through orphans a world away.
So now we re uploading all of the needs to send them to our partners all around the world. They will translate the needs into the various local languages and into the childrens’ hands they ll go.
We will give over worry, pain, bitterness, materiality, false hope, human pressures, and the expectations of this world to Christ. And we can gain fresh hearts that love deeply, with a joyful abandon to be unleashed. Nothing, no one, can take that away.
Thanks for sharing in this growing, global family. There s more to orphan care than meets the eye. THERE IS LOVE.
Faithfully yours,
Beth, Mike, Joe
“All I Want” from The Global Orphan Project on Vimeo.
Stories of those involved in the Global Orphan Project sharing what they “want” to really impact the world and how the orphan pandemic had affected them personally.