Urban farming in Hyderabad | An update from GO India

Hyderabad, India is one of the most densely populated cities on earth, yet, the principles of agriculture still apply. Our lead church partner in GO India, Bethel Gospel Church, has been practicing urban farming using their balcony and rooftop […]


Virtual Care | An update from GO MENA

Our partners in Tyre, Lebanon have found innovative ways to continue to care for vulnerable children and families, despite the current state of the world making it challenging. Their community is struggling with curfews and grocery runs – just […]


Butterflies, Bats and Breakfast | An update from Trace Thurlby, GO Project President

For years, mathematicians, engineers and even philosophers have discussed and debated the idea that a butterfly flapping its wings in the United States can create a hurricane in China. Given enough time, the theory goes, seemingly small events can […]


The promise of a bed | A testimonial from Renae Denbow, CarePortal Ambassador

Sometimes all it takes is the promise of a bed to keep families together. Below is a beautiful, goosebump raising testimonial from Renae Denbow, Greater Cincinnati Ambassador for CarePortal, of how this very promise kept a single dad and […]


Fundraising Toolkit

Welcome to The Global Orphan Project Fundraising Toolkit! Peer-to-peer fundraising allows you to start a fundraiser on behalf of GO Project. GO Project uses a technology called Classy for peer-to-peer fundraising. They are a secure donation site and you […]


And a Child Shall Lead Us | Joe Knittig, CEO

Dear Church,
In the wake of the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and David Dorn, our nation cries out in frustration, in bondage and decay, groaning in pain. Systemic race discrimination is not an old wound of […]