Monthly Archives - August 2012

Barreth’s Ballad

Recently we celebrated Jake Barreth’s successful tenure as GO Haiti’s Field Director and new position as GO Project’s Field Manager. Demonstrating traits valued at GO Project, Thom and Jessica showed the creativity, initiative, and desire to not take themselves […]


Chicken Delivery

Today was a chicken delivery to GO Project’s partner-led village All In One. From Pastor Kesnel…
Dear brothers and sisters this is Rev. Joseph Kesnel your brother in Christ Jesus who wanted to thank you all for your hard work you […]


A place of refuge in Torit, South Sudan

Last month, South Sudan marked its first anniversary as a country. Like many new countries, year one was difficult. Military conflict with the north, economic hardship, and political corruption pose significant challenge, but in the turmoil, God’s church is […]


A Big Birthday and a lot of BULL!

Ah, to be turning sweet sixteen…every young American girl’s milestone, a life marker in her personal and familial story. Can you remember your 16th birthday?
But…OH, to be experiencing it with twelve other people, (most of whom you just met) […]


Multiplication at the Father’s Houses! Grand “kids” on the way.

Some of you may remember the story from our team’s Thanksgiving service this past January (Click here to read)
Exciting news!  The holy goat from Lira’s Thanksgiving service is now pregnant.
Grand “kids” are on the way! 
In fact there is […]


Stoney Tangawisi and Tasty Technology

Our esteemed GO Africa Director, Rev. Canon Dr. Alison Barfoot has been researching for some time the possibilities of Appropriate Technologies. We decided to try some out. Lira Towne was an opportune place to launch several projects with our […]


A Gala Greeting in Gulu Towne

We Americans could certainly learn some profound things from Africans.  I can venture to say, that you have never experienced a true greeting and welcoming until you have spent some time in Eastern Africa, Uganda.  Greeting in Uganda is […]


Hope Embodied in Uganda—what six months can grow!

I just returned from a couple weeks visiting the Father’s Houses in Northern and Southwestern Uganda. Just six months ago, I had the privilege of traveling to see two new villages being constructed, Gulu & Rukore. Our team experienced […]


Adopt | KC will encourage churches, families to help children in need

The Global Orphan Project cares for kids in a very specific way. We help His church become family for orphaned and abandoned children around the world, and now, in our own backyard. Saturday, August 4th, the KC Star wrote […]