Monthly Archives - September 2016

From Child Head of Household to Children in a Home

Mary, 13, and Timothy, 4, lived in Lilongwe, Malawi, with their mom who was HIV+. She fought the disease for years, until finally passing away this summer, leaving her children orphaned. No one in the community wanted them, so […]


Storm shelter complete in Cassamajor

By GO Fellow Sarah Herrera 
Are you ready for some good news, friends? The Cassamajor storm shelter is finished! It has been a process and a concern, but, by the grace of the Lord and His timing, it is complete.
This […]


Advice from one CarePortal worker to another

The CarePortal network is filled with servants of the Lord.  There are so many who have sacrificially given to aid those impacted by the child welfare system.  Some were working long before CarePortal: others are new and eager to […]