Prayers for care givers and children in Northern Uganda
Marsha Campbell is in Africa leading a team of counseling faculty and graduate students from Mid-America Nazarene University. They are hosting two, multi-day conferences equipping, training, and investing in care givers and orphan ministry leaders at the Father’s Houses in Gulu and Lira. Here are excerpts from an update we received today:
“Gulu and Lira are growing in grace and dignity…Patience is taking root in the gardens here – in the fruit of the Mamas, management committees and children. God is good – all the time – in HIS time if we have eyes to see and ears to hear.
Yesterday upon arrival in Lira, we made a late afternoon surprise visit to the Father’s House. We toured with Betty (Lira Coordinator/Social worker) the gardens that the Mamas have all planted: rows of cassava, beans, maize, greens, pineapple, and mango. In their spare time, mind you! They have no cook. The Mamas take turns and it is working well. The older children were busy washing clothes while sometimes stealing moments of playing dress up and giggling amongst themselves. We strolled through the children’s rooms with all beds neatly made. And great news was given to me – the goat we gave two years ago has blessed the Father’s House with three kids! SO, Hallelujah, I now have three grand-KIDS! The first born a male and then followed by twin females! The team was very impressed, and of course, cause for another celebration!
Today, we begin our two day conference here. We have 75 registered as of last week. Rose told me she thought we had over 70 in Gulu last week. It is indeed a deep privilege and honor to share with these communities, to listen and hold their stories in our hearts and before The Lord…
Please continue to pray for the conference. May God become Father to the fatherless, may Jesus redeem the brokenness of horrific sin and evil atrocities, may the Holy Spirit of power and comfort bring the gifts of healing and tenderly nurture the souls of our dear brothers and sisters all of us children of the triune God.
Pray for our team as some are very overwhelmed by the weight of depravity and demonic evil that has had a stronghold in Northern Uganda for over 25 years. Please also pray for dear Alison and Rose and the leadership in their care, who are in the trenches and doing amazing work often through very personal sacrifice.
That is enough for now…more to come.
Please give my love to our wonderful GO family!
Peace and joy be yours,