Update from Bunia, Congo
Update by the GO Africa team
The Father’s House in Bunia, Congo is seeing the fruits of caring for children in need of family. We received this update from our GO Africa team in Bunia, “We thank our God for his protection towards Nyumba ya Baba (The Father’s House) of local church in Bunia. During these last several months we tasted the fruits of the Almighty in all plans.”
The children are hard at work at school. Some children study in the morning and others in the afternoon. Five study in the Kikoga Primary school, eight at the Tuendelee Primary school and one child attends the Bunyanga Secondary school.
The children also participate in a variety of daily activities, including food preparation and gardening.
The local church has also come to understand the philosophy of the Father’s House, and accepted to contribute every month according to what they have. One afternoon, a soccer match was held between a Sunday School class from the local church and some of the kids from the Father’s House.
To fight against the illnesses that come from dirty hands, the vice coordinator manufactured a faucet where he placed soap. While pushing the wood slightly to the foot, on which the rope joins the jerry can and the wood, water flows without touching the jerry can with hands.
In the garden cabbages, sweet potatoes and leeks were harvested! From the field in Kunda we harvested 3 sacks of beans.