Giving Tuesday | Giving the Orphaned and Vulnerable Hope
Pierre’s story isn’t unique. His single mother was unable to support her four children, leading Pierre into the care of one of our Haitian orphan care partners at age 10. Pierre has overcome significant trials and obstacles and is now training to become a mechanic. His dream is to be able to provide financially for his mom and siblings.
This Giving Tuesday, we invite you to give orphaned and vulnerable kids like Pierre a brighter future through basic life care costs and education needs.
When you support life care costs, you help us cover gaps in the basic day-to-day care of kids.
At any given time, our local church partners have children in care who need dedicated financial backing for their basic care. On average, the basic life care of a child — a safe place to live, a caregiver, food and clean water, basic school expenses, basic medical costs, and oversight of the process — requires around $540 per child per year. These are just the very basic costs, nothing extravagant. Consider joining us to care for a child.
Provide a child hope through education. You can help build schools, furnish classrooms, provide books and supplies, and fund education improvements.
We’re constantly seeking to help improve local schools in our network. This means going beyond the basics of paying school fees for children in our local church partners’ care. This involves creative school improvements that impact kids in care, and other children on the brink of being abandoned by struggling families.
Improving schools is one of the best ways that we can do orphan prevention, not just orphan care. Help with this global campaign!
Our 100% Commitment
With our 100% commitment, you can be sure that 100% of donations made to orphan care efforts will go directly to care for kids. Partner with us to provide for the kids who need it the most.