A Different December for Kids
We’d like to introduce you to three sisters from Sarampet, India: Mounika, Deepika and Sindhu.
The beginning of their story is dark, but as you’ll hear from Mary Priscilla, Executive Director of GO India, their future is much brighter because of the love of a local church and givers like you:
As we celebrate all the work of our local church partners in 2018, we want to invite you to step into the stories of other Mounikas, Charitys and Joumanas in 2019.
Thank you to every person who has already given! If you’re considering a year-end gift, you still have a few more days to make this a Different December by giving to help children in India, the U.S., and around the world.
Your tax-deductible donation will provide the basics every child deserves. Things like:
- 24-hour, loving care
- Nutritious food
- Clean water
- Safe place to live
- Education
- Medical care
- Emergency relief
- Family-strengthening
Donate to help kids around the world.