Daddy did it!
A friend of mine, Alex*, who is a champion for children, brought in three foster sons this week.
Yesterday, his wife suggested he go sit on the couch and read with Jordan*, the oldest. Just into elementary school, Jordan reads well, which is especially impressive given the bumpy road he’s traveled. Hoping to make an initial connection, Alex tried to sit a little closer to Jordan, compliment his reading, pat his back, etc. Understandably not comfortable yet, Jordan seemed distant and rigid. So Alex made an intentional decision to break the ice by breaking some wind.
Once that cat was out of the bag, Alex then broke into a Cheshire grin and blamed it on his new foster son. Since bathroom humor is the universal language of boys of all ages, Jordan caught on immediately and put the blame right back on his reading partner utilizing a solid “guilty dog barks first” defense. Reading time was shot, obliterated in a mischievous melee of laughing, pointing, blaming, rough housing and laughing some more. Then…it got quiet.
“Can I call you, Daddy?” Jordan asked, now as serious as a child can be.
“Yes,” Alex replied simply and securely, fully recognizing the bittersweet moment.
So many children are crying out for a Daddy’s love. When faced with that reality, our hearts break. It shouldn’t be this way, and yet, our DADDY specializes in redemption, in beauty-for-ashes exchanges. When we see what Jesus can do, our hearts leap! How amazing that God invites us into His adventure, allowing us to serve as dads, moms, brothers and sisters to children who need family. He can use whatever we have to bring. If nothing else, this story confirms that truth!
YES, despite the brokenness, life can be beautiful! And when it is, like Jordan, we say, “Daddy did it!”
* Names changed to protect the innocent and not-so innocent.