CarePortal Celebrates 5 Years
March of 2020 marks five years of people, churches and organizations using CarePortal as a bridge to foster relationships across the nation. Over those five years, we experienced growing pains teaching us valuable lessons. We rejoiced together, labored together and celebrated together as, miracle after miracle, children were served and families were strengthened.
This month, we celebrate the people who make it all possible: you.
CarePortal is a network of people all playing their small role. It is a pastor working late into the night to coordinate a delivery. It is a church small group wrapping around a single mom who just needs someone to tell her she is not alone in this. It is a responder praying faithfully that God will provide for a need that seems impossible to meet. It is an agency worker putting in extra hours of thankless work to ensure a child has a safe place to lay their head that night. It is the ministries and organizations already in this space humbly uniting together and leading the way for more kids and families to be served.
Read and listen to these 6 testimonies from the CarePortal community!
Terry Glen | Pastor in Kansas City, MO
“I’m Senior Pastor Terry Glenn of World Harvest Ministries. As a Pastor, my role in using CarePortal is to look for the request to bless a child and family. We believe building relationships in our community through CarePortal has strengthened our church family. When I get the chance to go visit children and families as the Pastor of the church, I can see the joy in the eyes of the families. When they know someone cares and wants to bring hope to them, this is when and where all the beautiful magic of churches connecting happens.”
Restore Community Church Small Group | Parkville, MO
“Our CarePortal coordinator reached out to us back in summer 2019 regarding a single mom needing help with a move for her and her children. The need was not so much for help with the financial piece, but the braun. Being our small group is a blended family one, single parenting resonates with almost all in our group. We were all excited to help!
About 12 of us, plus some of our own kids, arrived at the duplex and got the truck loaded, transported and unloaded in pretty quick order. We worked double duty on setting up the bunk beds and other items “A” (Mom) needed a few extra hands with.
We then also did a very light “house warming” of some items we noticed the family could use. Our relationship with “A” grew as the holidays approached, and we celebrated Christmas with “A” and her small children with a Santa worthy bag full of Christmas presents. We’ve since been notified when the family needs a little extra help with baby locks, child safety measures in the house and the like.
As a small group we’ve so enjoyed wrapping around this family- and look forward to supporting them as a community any way we can!”
Teri DeVoe | Responder in Baltimore, OH
“I have the honor to respond to needs and connect directly with families. As a foster parent, I have had the privilege of loving on the families of the kiddos placed in my home. Through CarePortal I am able to love on even more families who are involved in child welfare.
I love coming alongside parents working hard and celebrating all that they have overcome and encouraging them to keep up the good work! I’m constantly reminded of God’s great love for us through the precious faces we serve.”
Stephanie, Jackson | Agency Work in Fairfield County, OH
“I [Stephanie] am the Independent Living Caseworker for Fairfield County Protective Services and our CarePortal point person. I collect information about the families and their needs and enter the request. I also attend the local meetings with church point people and love the fellowship and excitement for the ministry. I can feel God there. I’ve lost track of how long I have been connected to CarePortal now, it is one of my favorite parts of my job. I hear the stories of families in need and have the opportunity to be a small part in those needs being met. I love to hear the follow up stories from caseworkers about the difference even little things make in the lives of these children and families. Just knowing that someone who doesn’t know them cares enough to give them a pillow makes them feel loved and everyone needs to feel that way.”
Steve Ringelspaugh | Responder in Colorado Springs, CO
Driving. Coordinating. Unloading. Carrying. Greeting. Listening. Every time you respond to a CarePortal request, you are letting families know they are not alone. Thank, Responders, for your faithful “yes” time and time again.
Beautiful Redemption | Implementing Partner in Colorado Springs, CO
Ministries and organizations across the nation have implemented CarePortal to expand their capacity to care serving kids. Thanks for leading the way, uniting together and growing this community in everyday life and in time of global crisis.
CarePortal is a platform launched in March 2015 by The Global Orphan Project, headquartered in Kansas City, Mo. Currently active in 21 states in the U.S., more than 2,000 churches have served over 55,000 children and counting. See CarePortal’s live impact report at