Ripples from the Underground
This morning The Culture House and Störling Dance Theater dedicated a performance of Underground to children in Kansas City, especially children who need family – US Orphans. For those who haven’t seen this award-winning production, do yourself a favor and get tickets to Friday or Saturday’s showing. The Underground is anointed; a moving look at abuses of the past, those who sacrificed to change it, and the resulting ripples which bless us today; an incredible date night if you’re looking to trade your normal and routine for beautiful and inspiring.
From the Kauffman, a smaller group moved to Christ Community’s urban campus to talk about a social justice issue facing us now – Fatherlessness and the Orphans it creates. Pastor Kevin Schutte of Pathways Community Church exhorted us to reject clean programs which sell benefits to others while keeping us at a safe distance; and instead to jump in and embrace the mess of family. He shared how leading with honesty, humility, and hospitality (read more here>>) doesn’t just help others, it changes us; causing us to become more like Jesus. He said that when we choose to serve, we maintain control, but when we become a servant, we give up that control to care for others.
Pastor Charles Briscoe, now with PastorServe, closed the morning with this story. A few years ago, he was in prayer, about to ask God to give him the city. Before the words could get out of his lips, he heard the Lord ask him, “Are you willing to pay the price?” So often, we ask God to change things without being willing to become part of the solution. Are we willing to pay the price to help provide family for orphans? It’s a question for all of us that ripples from the underground.
Tate Williams with The Global Orphan Project welcoming Kansas City pastors and leaders