Staying. Schooling. Saving.
Where do children living in GO Project partner villages come from? It’s a common question with multiple answers. Some come out of the church family. More from the community. Every now and then the government actually brings them to the door of the church.
These children are almost always “end of the line;” street kids who have learned to fend for themselves; tough, at times with juvenile rap sheets, strong willed by necessity. Frankly, providing care for them can be tough.
It is common for these kids to run. Many would rather suffer with autonomy than prosper under authority. (Maybe a few of us can relate?) Such was the case with seven boys the government recently brought to one of our partners. Three ran, but not “Gary.”
Gary, probably 12, spent a few days in the church’s children village, counted the costs, looked the Pastor in the eye and said, “I am staying. I am going to school, and I am going to get saved.” Evidently, Gary is a young man of his word.
Pastor doesn’t have to remind him to be in church. Gary is excelling in school and is a strong reminder that all some kids need is a chance.