Open Your World
This past December SUSIE Magazine encouraged their readers to open their hearts and worlds through the SUSIE Christmas Challenge. The challenge: for teen girls here to raise support for girls in Haiti. The young lady who raised the most support would travel with us to visit her sisters in Haiti! The results are in, and the winner is a young lady named Joslynn. She raised $2,265 for GO! We are excited that Joslynn and her mom, Penny, will be traveling to Haiti in 2012 to visit the many kids she is helping. Here’s what Joslynn had to say…
The Open Her World Christmas contest was such a life changing thing for me spiritually. I didn’t rely on others to give me money, and I didn’t persist in asking for it. I decided that God would work through the heart’s of the people that could give financially. He even worked in me, by putting it on my heart to give all the money I had earned in December to the girls in Haiti. I learned that most of the time, those who didn’t have a much, were the ones who gave the most.
I raised money by first telling my church about it. These people are my family, and they would support me in the best way they can, whether it was financially or through prayers. I then gave an information sheet about what I was doing to other area churches in our community. Finally, I sent out letters asking people to consider their part in this opportunity. The results overwhelmed me!
What am I looking forward to on my trip to Haiti? Changed hearts. Both mine, and the girls in Haiti. This is such a great opportunity and I literally am smiling from ear to ear right now thinking about it.
Together the SUSIE girls raised $6,454 to help orphans in Haiti! These girls are advocates for children. They are opening their hearts and worlds to the least of these. We couldn’t be more proud of and grateful for each one of them!