Cookies Cure Hunger?
Who doesn’t love cookies, but can cookies cure hunger? We love cookies at our offices, we also happen to eat lots of salads at The Global Orphan Project (in part to balance out the cookie consumption). In fact a few of us have a favorite place to frequent to fill up on all the best foliage and greens in the area.
That’s where the cookies come in, Sharon, a very helpful associate at our salad joint, decided that she would ask her store to let her sell her homemade cookies and donate the proceeds to GO Project. She asked her sister and a friend to help her bake as she wanted to have lots of cookies to sell.
So they baked.
Then they sold cookies and a few brownies at her store on Friday and Saturday as a way to serve for September 11th. Their cookies brought in 75 cents each. Monday afternoon, Sharon, who has never been to the office, dropped in to let us in on what she did. She arrived with 3 bags of cookies and a paper sack. She plunked the sack down on my desk and with humble and proud air asked me to “see what’s in that bag”.
Dollar after dollar tumbled out and with each dollar her smile got a little bigger, quite a sight. Sharon, had managed to sell over $400 worth of cookies, and since GO Project has a match going on (called the $1 Million Dollar Challenge) we turned her $400 into $800!! We did the math together, she fed almost 80 kids for a whole MONTH, or 8 kids for a year! Either way there are some hungry children that won’t be hungry, because Sharon made cookies. No, they’re not being fed cookies…they are getting nutritious meals.
Sharon let me know, “I didn’t go to a fancy school or have some big job but I LOVE TO BAKE, and that’s what I can do to help”.
So, can cookies cure hunger? If you ask Sharon, the answer is an emphatic YES!