Leading at Gulu
Update by Gloria Piker, Coordinator of St. Philip’s Father’s House, Gulu Uganda
Recently we held a meeting with the Management Committee where we continued to talk about the vision of the Father’s House.
We also planted trees by the vicar around the Father’s House.
Someone from the local cathedral came to talk to the children at the Father’s House to encourage them. He also lost his parents, and struggled, but he now owns a company. His message was the children can also become successful because what the church did for him, the church is also doing for them.
A pig was also butchered, and 2 pigs were sold for 120,000shs each!
We also held a meeting with the Mamas to encourage them that God called them to Father’s House for reasons. In this photo they are hearing God’s word. We also have a small savings group that was started for the House Mamas so that they save something to be used at the end of the month. The main reason for this savings group was to spend time together and understand the culture of saving, and not wasting anything we have.