Can you catch The Fox?
Run for orphans in GO Project’s Family 5K next Saturday, May 5th and join in the traditional “Fox Hunt.” Mike Fox will be released two minutes prior to the race’s start and each runner who catches “the Fox” will be entered in to a drawing for a dinner for two! But, be warned. Catching the old Fox isn’t as easy as it may seem. As this video shows, he motivated. He’s training. It’s personal.
Catch him or not, stay for a pancake breakfast and fun activities for kids of all ages. .
Saturday, May 5th • 9 AM Start
English Landing Park • Parkville, Missouri (click here for directions)
5K Registration $25 ($30 after May 2nd)
2 Mile Walk Registration $20 ($25 after May 2nd)
Kids’ Fun Run FREE for children 12 and under
For more information visit