Advice from one CarePortal worker to another
The CarePortal network is filled with servants of the Lord. There are so many who have sacrificially given to aid those impacted by the child welfare system. Some were working long before CarePortal: others are new and eager to serve. It’s our blessed privilege to serve with you.
One of those blessed servants is Susie in Corpus Christi. Susie serves as a CarePortal Coordinator, working to equip churches to serve children and families in the community. Recently, Susie shared about her own efforts to serve in Corpus Christi, and her wisdom is too valuable to withhold.
For those engaged in the child welfare system, you will meet a foe named frustration. He is a pesky villain, willingly offering discouragement and bitterness. Susie has met this foe and offered steps to victory over him. In partnership with faith-based initiative director, Cornelia, Susie discovered an important step to engaging others.
I can’t tell you why the sudden interest except to say that after about a year and a half of canvassing the churches, I was a little disheartened and began to sit back and take a look at my method of trying to get this information out. I asked myself, “What am I not doing and how can I do this better?” I realized that I was going on my own strength and not really seeking God’s will and His strength in the matter. We cannot bring conviction to people nor can we change their hearts. Only God can do that. So I began to cover everything with prayer and asked my church’s intercessory prayer team to begin covering CarePortal with prayer. I even asked friends and Bible study leaders to join in prayer for the cause.
I tell you that no sooner did I do that, when suddenly Cornelia and I came together and began working on this together. The Lord caused our hearts and the vision to come together in harmony and pastors began to listen. Their hearts were prepared through prayer to receive the information and to catch the vision. And, of course, once their hearts were touched, Cornelia was ready and willing. Covering everything we do in prayer; asking the Lord’s will in everything that we do; is what I believe made the difference.
Susie and team at the launch of CarePortal in Corpus Christi
Oswald Chambers once noted, “Prayer does not equip us for greater works – prayer is the greater work.” Whatever your circumstance, pray. As Jesus notes in Matthew 9:38, “…pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
Press on, Susie. We eagerly watch as you pray for and serve your community.
Looking for prayer partners? The CarePortal team meets every Monday morning to pray. Please let us know how we can pray for you by contacting us here>>.