"You don't have a soul…"
“…You are a soul. You have a body.” — C.S. Lewis
I heard this quote recently and can’t get away from it; not sure why. Maybe it’s because we grow up hearing, “You have a soul,” and Lewis’ words bang against that phrase. That could be all, but is it?
We divide over the physical: short, tall, fat, thin, pretty, ugly, white, black, rich, poor, and on and on. We divide over geography: north, south, east, west, urban, rural. We divide over language and culture. With such eyes, it becomes easy to ignore our neighbor’s needs — especially neighbors that look differently, talk differently, and live what seems worlds away.
Understandable, except this type of thinking misses the fact that we are all created in the image of God by the Master Himself.
Would I treat people differently if I cared more about their eternal soul and less about their body with all its temporal trappings?
Would you?
Maybe that’s why I can’t get away from it…