I want to share something that recently hit our hearts at GO Project, and ask you for prayer. It’s not about orphans who need a home, or a funding ask, or anything like that. It’s about our troops in the military and their families.
One of our GO family members, Randy Reed, is reminding us through his actions of something so important. Randy’s company is presenting the Helping Heroes Challenge on October 29th at Platte Purchase Park in Kansas City (CLICK HERE>> to learn more). Randy’s two healthy sons serve our country, and Randy wants to do what he can to help the 42,000+ armed service members who’ve been wounded in action. Watching this unfold has profoundly moved us at GO Project.
We talk much at GO about heroes we know who battle every day to offer orphaned children in squalor a chance at a better life. Well, we have heroes here in our country who do the very same for us.
Army Specialist Steve Baskis is coming to run the trail race for his fellow wounded soldiers. Steve’s blind. Blinded by a roadside bomb explosion. The trails in the woods are too rough for him to run without being able to see, so three Marines are coming to help guide him. All three have earned Purple Hearts. One suffered face and brain injuries in Afghanistan from an IED blast. One suffered injuries from an IED explosion in Iraq, five weeks later suffered further injuries from a mortar explosion, and then after his hospitalization returned to full duty, finishing his deployment. One lives with the lifelong scars of a battle in Fallujah, Iraq. Though wounded, these three still have good eyes. And these Marines are coming to Kansas City to serve a fellow soldier who gave his eye sight serving them and the rest of us. Such selflessness puts a big lump in my throat.
So what’s this got to do with The Global Orphan Project? Everything.
Notwithstanding our doomsday media messages, our country is amazing. We drink in the high privilege of freedom. To worship Jesus Christ. To provide for our families. Even to reach out a world away to care for orphaned children who may never know a great country, but who will personally know a great God.
At GO, we get the privilege of looking at the world through a rare lens – through the eyes of orphaned and abandoned children in the poorest countries. We can tell you that everywhere we serve, the people revere our nation. Children’s eyes twinkle with a little extra spark when greeting an American. They long to learn our language. They see opportunity in us. I don’t say this arrogantly. I say this factually, humbly, and gratefully.
We owe gratitude. To our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who gives us true freedom of spirit. To our country, that offers us freedom on earth. To our troops, like Steve Baskis and the United States Marines coming to serve him, who safeguard our freedom and promote our opportunities with their lives.
Let me close with a special ask: Wherever you are, please take a minute to pray for our troops and their families who pay a high price so that you can do what you’re doing right now.
Thanks to all of you in the GO family for your selflessness for kids.
Thanks for the reminder, Randy.
Yours in Christ,