Moving Buildings, Moving Mountains
In the video below, Jason Weber, a good friend and Christian Alliance for Orphans’ National Director for Foster Care Initiatives tells an amazing true story about a group of people in rural Nebraska who accomplished something together they could never have done alone. Jason draws a parallel between this event and the work that must be done by the church in the US regarding our foster care system. He identifies 4 key components that allowed this event to happen and that are crucial to a church movement in every community in our country:
- know the plan
- get some extra folks to help
- pray first
- listen and obey Jesus
At GO Project we are proud to say that we get to participate in this work with you and we are witnessing a movement, a movement that is beyond anything any of us could accomplish alone.
Daily, we are learning more about God’s plan as He sends hurting children and families to invade our lives and teach us about His grace. You, and thousands like you, are recruiting individuals and churches to share life with vulnerable children and families in your community and around the world. Together, we are praying fervently for His Kingdom to come and Will to be done. And, moment by moment we are hearing Him more clearly as He leads us toward a time when there will be “more than enough.”
If you want to experience more opportunities to learn from Jason and others who God has gifted to think and speak well about the subject of US foster care, click here.
Or consider attending The Christian Alliance for Orphans 2015 Summit in Nashville (more info)