How a Mercedes becomes more than 200 beds!
Exactly how does a Mercedes become more than 200 beds for Haitian orphans? Well it’s easier than you may think!
A company called iDonate, will take almost ANYTHING and turn it into a donation for the charity of your choice. We like to reccomend C3 Missions, but hey we would really love to see iDonate continue to grow and change lives everywhere no matter what cause floats your boat.
Recently we received 2 interesting donations through iDonate, a Mercedes and a rather large Dump Truck (yeah all of us really wanted to drive it around, really we wanted to drive both but there were all these insurance concerns). So we are turning the Mercedes into more than 200 beds set for orphans in Haiti and as for the Dump Truck well we shipped it off to Miami and it wil be used to build orphan homes in Haiti!
Seriously…when is the last time you donated something that didn’t end up as some costume for Halloween!! Ok, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration but you get the point. Through C3 you could do all sorts of fun things like:
- Turn your timeshare into an Orphan home (pick the place Uganda, Haiti, Malawi…we have lots of places)
- Take that old camper that you never camp in anymore and use it to fund for the care of 40 or more orphans for a YEAR!
- Make your car into an whole mess of school supplies for orphans in our orphan villages
You get the picture…..or do you? just in case here is a picture (with a catchy tune) for you to enjoy.