Five GO Pros | Hurricane Matthew, Update 10
In a world where people are often defined by what they are against, we at The Global Orphan Project prefer to focus on what we are for. Here are a few things we are celebrating and supporting during the ongoing Hurricane Matthew Relief and Redevelopment efforts.
At GO Project, we are . . .
PRO Military
From Jeremie to Port-au-Prince, we have seen and shared the runway with U.S. Southern Command’s helicopters bringing essential supplies and support to people in need. Lee Greenwood nailed it. Seeing our military serving those in need makes us “proud to be American”. May God bless our troops!

PRO Business
The business world has unparalleled capacity to rebuild, fix problems and provide jobs. Many of our team members at GO come from a business background. Over the last 10 days, our business friends helped us arrange private airlifts, filled shipping containers with roofing materials, and sent their own company’s technicians to help fix power and water systems. We get excited when we see a front-end loader cleaning up the country.

PRO Church
At the center of our call stands the Church, the Bride of Christ. Global reach. Local presence. The family is God’s best for children, but when family breaks down, the Church is called to step boldly into the gap and stay. It’s our privilege to help churches striving to fulfill their Biblical mandate to care for the orphan to do more — and maybe even to do better.
PRO Family
A loving, healthy family gives a child their best chance. Across the globe, we hope to strengthen local families, thereby improving their quality of life and reducing the number of economic orphans. Internationally, our efforts to create living-wage jobs and to increase educational opportunities are helping families stay together. In the United States, local families are being bolstered via CarePortal. In a time of crisis such as the one brought upon by Hurricane Matthew, we are first working to equip local families before alternative types of care are considered.