Orphan Sunday Afterglow
The apostle John wrote, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Yet sometimes, when reading the headlines, watching the evening news, or simply processing a tough day, it just doesn’t feel that way. Life can be difficult. Even though we know it’s not true, in the valley, it can seem as if evil is triumphing.
At other times and on other days, Jesus pulls back the curtain a bit. Even a glimpse of His glory speaks life to our soul, and we celebrate the truth of light shining in the darkness. Yesterday was such a day.
Yesterday, on the 10th annual Orphan Sunday churches from Nebraska to Nigeria to Nepal stood for the orphan. Yesterday, in 39 countries around the world, prayers were lifted and truth was preached on behalf of the least of these.
Here in KC, Joe Knittig was one voice God used to speak for His children in need of family.
We’re grateful for Pastor Jim West and others who have opened their pulpits (and more importantly, their hearts) to care for the orphan. Yesterday was just another manifestation of the movement of God in which we live. In the afterglow of Orphan Sunday, we look forward to what He will do next as He turns the heart of fathers to their children and the heart of children to their fathers.