Small Stories Sustain CarePortal
Every day, we at the CarePortal headquarters hear stories worth celebrating. Some of these stories are really big, reflecting coordination and collaboration between multiple institutions to meet an urgent need that will otherwise result in family separation. These kinds of stories are worth celebrating, and we’re so encouraged by them.
Yet, we celebrate small stories, too. We live in the small moments, don’t we? For those engaged in the foster care system, those small victories are the sustenance on a difficult road. Small changes in behavior. Outbursts with slightly less anger. It’s when we look back at all of those small stories that we realize something big has happened.
This is a small story.
It’s the story of a new, monthly $5 donor.
We laugh, right? What good will $5 do, we ask!?!?
At The Global Orphan Project, we believe in transparency. It’s one of our core beliefs, and we believe that accountability and transparency are brothers. That’s one of the reasons we posted the Impact page on the website. It’s because of this core belief that we share the following:
CarePortal’s long-term success is dependent upon each church donating an average of $100 per month.
Financial independence is an important feat, for our ability to proclaim the Gospel is dependent upon the absence of government dollars. That’s right: this is very much a Gospel-driven ministry. We never lose sight of that. Our desire to love our neighbor is linked to Jesus’ love for our neighbor.
So when we see a new monthly $5 donor, we celebrate! To one of our newest donors in central Kansas, thank you!
What does $5 a month look like? One large latte at the local coffee shop. Two drinks at a restaurant. Foregoing an appetizer or dessert. Getting the shirt on sale rather than the one at full price. Renting a movie rather than going to the movies. A simple meal at home rather than eating out.
Here’s another view of $5: twenty members at your church choose to donate $5 per month. That’s a total of $100 per month, $1,200 per year. If twenty members of each church donated just $5 per month, CarePortal is sustained for long-term success.
One latte. Two sodas. Renting a movie. Just once a month, all for the sake of enabling your church to receive the right now needs of local children and families in crisis.
If you’d like to start your own small story, please visit our website here>>