Monthly Archives - September 2014

School uniforms: A great Exchange in Africa!

The Kabale (Uganda) Father’s House was the first Father’s House established in eastern Africa. Not long after receiving children into care, the church opened a Sewing Centre to provide school uniforms for the Father’s House children and fulfill other […]


A+ Education

When The Global Orphan Project started, we thought orphan care was about the children. Turns out, it is AND much more. One example is education and the difference it makes not just for the kids, but also their families […]


Protective Homes

The Urban Dictionary refers to Johnson County, Kansas as the “OC” (Orange County, California) of the Midwest. To many in the Kansas City community, Johnson County residents are often associated with being people who pursue comfort, luxury, and ease. […]


Celebrating the Ethiopian New Year

Ethiopia follows a different calendar than the calendar used by North America and Europe. Ethiopian New Year is on 11th September, and it is a big holiday celebration throughout the entire country. Homes are decorated inside and out to […]


The young adults of Haiti

By Stephanie, GO’s Trip Manager
Sometimes I wake to screeching through my bathroom wall. Nope, not roosters, more human….it sounds like a plethora of teen girls, but in reality, I have lived next door to the Pathways boys for six […]


A Widow's Mite

“We will contribute Irish potatoes, milk every other month, butter every other month, 50 kgs (110 pounds) of wheat, 50 kgs (110 pounds) of roasted barley, and one set of new clothes for every child every year.”
These were the […]


Daddy did it!

A friend of mine, Alex*, who is a champion for children, brought in three foster sons this week.
Yesterday, his wife suggested he go sit on the couch and read with Jordan*, the oldest. Just into elementary school, Jordan reads […]


Writing Letters to Friends in England.

An update from Mebble Maseko in Pothawira.
One of the most fun and educational thing that the children got to do was writing letters to the pupils in England. Sylvia, one of the English ladies, brought 50 letters that the […]


Divine Reunion

Joseph and Josephine are 13-year-old twins, living in Bunia, Congo. A few years ago, their father died from AIDS, followed by their mother, who died a year ago. According to local custom, they were taken in by their Auntie, […]


Supporting Single Mothers

Caring for kids in the US, often means caring for parents in the US.
One of the leading risk factors for abuse or neglect of children is simply being in a single parent home. Lower incomes, increased stress due to […]


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