Writing Letters to Friends in England.
An update from Mebble Maseko in Pothawira.
One of the most fun and educational thing that the children got to do was writing letters to the pupils in England. Sylvia, one of the English ladies, brought 50 letters that the children from one of the Christian Primary Schools in her hometown (Eclessia) wrote to the children of Pothawira. The letters included the names of the pupils, where they live in England, a bit about their families, the name of the school they attend, hobbies, favorite sport, some drawing of the things they like i.e pets, animals, and many other things. Those letters were written by English children between the ages of 7 and 8.
Holding their letters. One they wrote and the one that they received. They kept the one that they received from the pen-pal and sent the other one with Sylvia!
Since the letters were only 50, written in English, and the response was to be written in English, we decided to choose those kids who are in higher classes (standard 4-8) and could at least be able to read and write in English. Each kid at Pothawira was given a letter that he/she had to read and respond to.
Sylvia is helping one of the kids reading the letter to everyone in class. She also wrote an example on the board of the things that they could include in their letters.
It was so beautiful to see the smile on their faces and the excitement that they had when they were writing these letters. It is amazing to realize how much they appreciate things like this knowing that someone out there thinks about them. These kids in England have never met the Children of Pothawira but God has given them so much love that they are able to show love and care through those letters. It was so nice to just watch them……so Beautiful!!!!!