2006 and 2007 – God's Abundant Blessing on C3
Well, where do we start?
2006 was a dynamic year for C3 Missions, and we’re set for an even more dynamic year in 2007. Through the construction of new C3 orphanages and ongoing discussions about additional orphanages, C3 Missions will have 32 orphanages caring for more than 1,600 children by the end of 2007! C3 Missions’ homes, including the locations targeted for expansion in 2007, are set out in our listing of Orphanages. Please take a look.
Mike and Beth Fox dreamed that, perhaps, the Lord would one day bless C3 Missions with 10 homes. Now, C3 Missions stands ready to expand to 32, and we’re just getting started!
C3 Missions has also helped facilitate a short term missions program that is wildly successful. These trips to C3 works in Haiti are affordable, “doable” in terms of time, and extremely powerful. A typical trip starts on a Thursday morning, and ends with the participants returning, changed for the better and ruined for the average, the following Monday night.
C3 Missions facilitated a trip for 12 to Haiti in November 2006, and a trip for 19 to Haiti in January 2007. Why Haiti? Just a short flight from the States, Haiti exemplifies the need C3 Missions seeks to fill. And, we can take people on these trips (such as business leaders) whose commitments at home impede a longer missions trip. We cannot put into words what the Lord has done through these trips, and it seems we cannot schedule enough of them!
C3 Missions will be facilitating additional trips in April, June and September 2007, and will likely facilitate at least 3 or 4 such trips in 2008.
If you are interested in taking a short term mission trip with a C3 Missions group, please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected].