The Father's House Children's Camp Day 2
Marsha Campbell, Uganda
A little boy’s lunch.
On Friday, our team decided to welcome the children with our own song! As the Mamas and children marched up the hill following the jerry can drummers, we built an arch with our arms for them all to come through as we sang our welcome to them. The youth led singing as we all clapped a cadence. The children then sat in the green grass of the mountain side as a crowd from the community gathered round.
The youth acted out the story:
Jesus went up to the mountainside with his disciples. A great crowd had gathered around him to listen to his teaching. Jesus asked the people to sit down upon the grass. He then asked his disciples where they would buy bread for them to eat? Andrew spoke up: here is a boy with five small loaves and two small fish, but how will we feed so many? Jesus then took the little boy’s lunch and gave thanks. That which the little boy offered to share soon multiplied to feed over 5,000 with 12 full baskets left over.
The youth acted out the part of Jesus and the disciples. A little orphan boy became the hero for the day for the crowd of children sitting in the grass upon the Kabale mountainside. Our bread and fish were cleverly disguised as tootsie rolls, a surprise treat that brought smiles to all. Once again, as in the parable, there was so much left over in the baskets, that the Kabale community crowd around us, enjoyed and were fed as well.
Is it any wonder, when offered to God, that a little boy’s lunch, even that of an African orphan, can indeed feed a multitude of souls?