Seven Reasons to Run
Everyone who joins us for the Run d’Haiti (January 9-13) will have their own reasons for going. Yours might be to say you’ve run a 10K in Haiti. Or it might be to go on your first vision trip with the Global Orphan Project.
Whatever your reason is, our hope is the Run d’Haiti will be a five-day, life-transforming experience. But in the event you need help coming up with a reason of your own, here are a few that might spark your thinking.
Love the children.
The Run d’Haiti is a way to step further into the orphan window. While our church partners handle the day-to-day needs of the children in their care, there are still many more in the surrounding villages and countryside you will meet.
Make it a Christmas gift.
Give someone a life-transforming experience in Haiti that opens their heart and touches the lives of orphaned children. The Run d’Haiti will be a memory that won’t break or go out of style. It will be a powerful and unforgettable five-day experience.
Run faster than Mike Fox.
If foot speed is your enemy, then you will discover that GO Project co-founder, Mike Fox, is your friend. In preparation for the Run d’Haiti, Mike has been tapering since last July. You can rest assured even though you may not be the fastest runner, you definitely won’t be the slowest.
Have fun with your tax deduction.
Fun and taxes go together like balloons and a drill press. But because a significant majority of the cost of the Run d’Haiti is deductible on your taxes, it makes it a lot easier on your finances when April 15th comes around. Sign up. Run. Deduct. Simple as that.
Back home it’s freezing.
Imagine how good it will be to spend five days during the heart of winter in the tropics of Haiti. The sun will be warm, the humidity will be high, and you will be able to tell friends you broke a sweat in January. Plus, if you play your cards right, you might even come home with a tan.
Time to P-Haiti-X it.
Statistics suggest that by the end of next February most New Year’s resolutions will be replaced by old habits and mid-winter malaise. Avoid this and stick with your fitness resolutions by starting off 2014 with the Run d’Haiti.
Unplug your technology.
For all the great ways they help us manage our lives, smartphones, tablets, texting and email are even better at distancing us from what matters most—one another. Limited internet service in Haiti means you can set aside your gadgets and enjoy the people around you.
Please sign up and join us on the Run d’Haiti this coming January. It will be the most amazing run of your life.