Like Hungry Children
Sam and I left Malawi yesterday. We arrived in Uganda late and found our way to a quaint guest house near the airport. The plan was to get a few hours sleep, breakfast, and connect with our GO Africa team before noon.
Around 9 a.m. praise music from a local church made its way over the guest house wall to our ears. About an hour later, at the peak of the song “Yes, Lord!” we’d been drawn to church like hungry children to the dinner table.
We were pulled in by the reality that Jesus is Lord; that men, women, young, old, black, white, rich, and poor, from Kansas to Kampala are saved by the power of His name. In different languages, in our different ways, the same King, the same Truth (that because He lives, we live), we worshiped together; a gift for His children preparing us for our GO Africa work this week.