How did your Saturday start?
This morning, Peter Maseko walked into a clinic waiting room full of patients who were sick, tired, and needing help. He greeted them with such sincere Godly worship and prayer that, if not for the stethoscope around his neck, his white physician’s coat would have more easily seemed a priest’s robe. From that foundation, Pastor Peter began ministering as Dr. Maseko, meeting people’s physical needs in the name of Jesus…just like he does six mornings a week.
His wife’s, Emma, morning has a routine as well. She leads a family of 111 children, 10 house mamas, and three cooks (do the math if you dare…that’s about 375 meals a day). This is how their morning started:
How about you? How about me? How would our lives be different of we started our day in worship and song, in preparation for serving others in the name of The Lord?
I love living and learning from God’s family at Pothawira. To learn more about how to get involved, please e-mail [email protected]