Love goes a long way
Earlier this year, we celebrated 101 beautiful children moving into 10 homes at Pothawira, Malawi, under the wonderful and watchful eyes of Pastor Peter Maseko and his wife, Emma. Years of dreams, planning, and work gave these children a safe bed to sleep in and loving hands of care, but not all was done. Specifically, the school wasn’t quite ready, but many of the kids were ready for school. So, each morning, Peter would load up his children and take them to the nearest school in Salima. Two truckloads of children in the morning for drop off; two rounds of pick up in the afternoon. Peter ran carpool…miles of it….hours of it, every day.
We asked you, our GO Project family, to help finish the six classrooms located on the wings of Pothawira’s church, less than 50 yards from the children’s homes. We wanted to open the school and put Pastor Peter out of the school bus business.
Champions for children from Columbia to Canada generously responded. This fall, school opened at Pothawira. Next year, in addition to the 80 children at Pothawira, the school will help educate 120+ more children; many of whom had no ride to another school.
All of our friends in Canada and Columbia may not be able make it to Malawi, but the love and support they sent Pastor Peter and the children at Pothawira sure went a long way.