Dibogo and Elizabeth
Huruma was one of our first church-based orphan care projects in Africa. Six years ago Jessie Tingsen, a Filipino pastor and his wife, planted a local, indigenous church in Tanzania. They soon were confronted with the obvious: how can a church show the love of Christ, in deed, if their members walk right past street orphans on the way to church?
They launched school and feeding programs to help serve vulnerable children in the community. Still, some kids with no caretakers needed more than a meal and tutoring. They needed family. The church couldn’t help them with some food, and then just send them away to fend for themselves the other 23 hours of the day.
Around the world many mamas care for children, but Huruma is one of our few partners with a mother and a father in the home. In their early 30’s and both teachers by profession, Dibogo (below with Huruma students) and Elizabeth (below with their family) serve as house parents. While they have three biological children, Dibogo and Elizabeth love all 19 children “as their own.” They live as one big family, who eat, play, and pray together.
Dibogo is a wise disciplinarian with a deep love for Jesus and the children. He’s also easy and fun to connect with via e-mail. Elizabeth is a warm mama with more than enough love to go around. They work hard, as there are few who can take their place, even for a week. Besides, you can’t take a vacation from your family! Dibogo and Elizabeth know their love and care for the children is their gift of service to God. Huruma is His call on their life. Huruma is their family!
Currently, Huruma does not have a dedicated sponsor. If your family, small group, church, or company would like to learn more about partnering with God’s family at Huruma, please e-mail Trace at [email protected] or make a donation here>>