Author - GO Project

Meet Fatme

In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re continuing our series highlighting three of the many inspiring women we’re privileged to meet as we partner with local churches around the world. Today, we’d like you to meet Fatme.
Fatme grew up […]


Orphan care and family-strengthening in India

An update from Mary Priscilla, Executive Director of GO India
India is known for its vibrant culture, emerging economy and 1.3 billion people, but generational poverty is also part of the nation’s story. Our local church partners in India provide […]


The #careforeverychild Campaign

Our mission at CarePortal is to enable connections to care for every child in need. Our sister company, Forevery Apparel, makes and sells Fair Trade shirts and then gives the profits away to care for kids through our parent organization, The […]


Father’s Family: Leah’s Story

Upon a recent visit to the village of Kabale, Uganda, we met an inspiring woman named Leah who was caring for her chronically ill daughter. Because of her daughter’s health and the costs associated with her sickness, Leah could […]


Kansas City Royals advocate for kids in Dominican Republic

The Kansas City Royals are back at it!
During Royals Charities Pledge Week this past fall, a surprise donation of $10,000 was gifted to Casa Amor, our local church partners in the Dominican Republic, to fix leaking roofs in the children’s […]


At his best on his bike | CarePortal

A United States social worker recently submitted a request for an unusual item through CarePortal, our platform that connects kids and families in crisis to churches and people who want to help. She shared this story, explaining the weight behind the gift:
An 11-year-old […]


Travel to Lebanon with GO Project

Serve at a summer camp for Syrian refugee children  
Travel with us to Lebanon, July 19-27, 2019! Your team will spend time serving alongside our local church partner, Tyre Church, to host hundreds of Syrian refugee children during a week-long […]


COPE: The Cost of Poverty Experience

1 in 5 children in America live at or below the poverty line.
These numbers should disturb us, yet statistics can have a numbing affect. The Cost of Poverty Experience (COPE) offers an opportunity to gain a glimpse into the […]


5 best practices for meeting material needs | CarePortal

The child welfare system is complex and diverse, as are the ways that you can engage and serve within it. CarePortal is a tool designed to help bridge the gap between the children and families in crisis and people […]


A Different December for Kids

We’d like to introduce you to three sisters from Sarampet, India: Mounika, Deepika and Sindhu.
The beginning of their story is dark, but as you’ll hear from Mary Priscilla, Executive Director of GO India, their future is much brighter because […]