Storm shelter complete in Cassamajor
By GO Fellow Sarah Herrera
Are you ready for some good news, friends? The Cassamajor storm shelter is finished! It has been a process and a concern, but, by the grace of the Lord and His timing, it is complete.
This year still has many days of potential rainy weather left, and in the years to come this shelter will be standing and steady. The rainy season has been particularly intense this year, with brilliant lightning and a lot of thunder. The lightning is a norm, but the thunder—not so much. It seems the majority of the nation is in agreement on its dislike of rain and muddiness, but rain comes regardless, of course.
We praise God that this particular village is equipped with a safe shelter in case of flooding. Though we all hope they are never required to use it, the village of Cassamajor can now provide shelter for their own, as well as extend their hand to others in crisis. And that’s just the way our Father would have it, don’t you think?
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