Virtual Care | An update from GO MENA
Our partners in Tyre, Lebanon have found innovative ways to continue to care for vulnerable children and families, despite the current state of the world making it challenging. Their community is struggling with curfews and grocery runs – just everyday life we often take for granted. Despite these restrictions, local children and families, many of which are Syrian refugees, still need support.
The local team has been helping families outside of meeting needs by keeping them connected. They moved their family-strengthening program, Father’s Family, to virtual meetings so families could continue to benefit from the many skills and resources they learn during it. While students are adjusting to schooling from home, our team has been providing extra virtual tutoring.
Listen to Selina Yamout, Executive Director, GO MENA for the full update.
We are so grateful for our partners’ ability to adapt and for technology keeping us connected during this time.
Meet international needs
Support our local church partners in Lebanon and around the world who are continuing to care for children and families during this crisis. You can provide the basics every child deserves and help keep families together by giving to our Greatest Needs Fund or by meeting specific, real-time needs through our online platform CarePortal.