Kansas family finds support at local Oasis
“We have a foster family who became licensed to provide a home for a teen girl they knew in foster care. The teen no longer lives with the family, and they have made adjustments in their home to continue in helping more children.”
There are families eager to serve. Families longing to welcome children into their home, to help meet Tier 2 (Relational) and Tier 3 (Family) needs of the child welfare system (please refer to the grid for additional information). Yet, for a family to meet Tier 2 and Tier 3 needs, they often lack the basic physical resources which will allow them to serve.
That was the exact circumstance of a family in Reno County, Kansas. The family originally sought out licensure so that they could serve as a foster parent for a teen girl. The teen girl has since departed from their care, but the family wished to stand in the gap to provide additional love and support for other children in need. However, it was in need of assistance to acquire a toddler bed so that younger children would be able to stay in their home.
Oasis Crosspoint Church responded to the need, helping to equip the family to serve. It’s a beautiful picture of community engagement, with child welfare agencies, local families, and the Church collaborating to stabilize and to aid local children and families in crisis. The social worker who identified the need – encouraged by Oasis’ response – noted the following:
“I love the partnership between local churches and needs in the community – I think it’s just a beautiful picture of how the church should operate!”
We constantly pray for continued partnership and for the Holy Spirit’s movement on the hearts of churches and church members across the country. May the church strive to be an oasis for the burdened, pointing to the One who offers soul-quenching rest.
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