Visions of Grandeur
Without vision the people perish. – Proverbs 29:18
We often think of strategic vision as seeing something before it exists, but it can also be seeing what does exist and the possibility of making it better. Peter Maseko has vision for Pothawira.
Five years ago, Pothawira was an undeveloped piece of ground. A year ago it was a collection of buildings. Today it is a new clinic, school, church, and community/family for 103 children who were fending for themselves.
God willing, Peter is not done. What will Pothawira be a year from now? Five years from now? I love hearing the continuing vision for Pothawira.
It will be a school for 250 children where each child can sit at his or her OWN desk AND receive a meal at lunch.
It will be a Baptist church whose sanctuary has finished walls, floors, and maybe even some pews where people congregate regularly for worship, service, and support.
It will contain an operational farm, where rice and corn are grown by the Pothawira family; where goat pens and chicken hutches provide eggs and meat; where a maize mill grinds its own flour, reduces trips into town, and serves the outside community, providing funds to help offset the costs of caring for children.
And Peter’s vision goes on…more homes for children, more teams visiting, more medical services, a guest house…
Life in Pothawira today testifies to the fact that these are more than just ideas. They are part of a vision from God to care for His children in His name for His glory. They are also opportunities for us: invitations to get involved and invest in a movement of God…and that’s more than enough to make you smile!
For more info on how you can invest in the lives of the children at Pothawira, Malawi, please e-mail us a [email protected].