This is my first attempt …
7:22 p.m. June 4, 2007
This is my first attempt at writing a blog for the new C3 Missions website. I love this new website. I really do. I sincerely believe it can be the vehicle, the tool, for literally thousands of people to learn about orphaned and abandoned children, This website will be used to share with others the real stories about young children, children like yours and mine, who had lost hope but found it again in a C3 Missions children Home.
Already this year we have traveled several times with friends to Haiti to hang out with the orphaned children. We have many more trips planned for 2007; many more homes to build, many more children to rescue. I dream of the day when we no longer need to build yet one more home for the homeless child. But I know that day will not come soon for there are 140 million homeless and abandoned children in the world today. A staggering number too difficult to comprehend.
But it is these kinds of thoughts that I am reminded, again, that this task can t be tended to by just the C3 Missions types. There are two other essential participants: God and You.
Without God, there would simply be no strength to fight what appears to be a losing battle or no hope of ever seeing the tide turn for these little ones. And, without You, this work cannot be done. God has chosen people like us-you and me- to reveal to the world that there is still hope for the hopeless, there is still plenty of love for abandoned orphans, and the forgotten children haven t been forgotten by God.
Hope to see you on our website. Visit our galleries. Go on a trip with us. Ask questions. Get informed. Get involved. These kids are great kids. They just need a break, a chance.
Thanks for visiting.