Tag - Villages

May we read it again?

By Trip Manager Stephanie Mutert
Seeking to engage older kids working on English language skills, as well as younger kids simply fond of pictures in books, some recent visitors brought English and Creole versions of Bible stories. Knowing attention spans are limited […]


Welcome to the Family

By GO Fellow Sarah Herrera
Latremblay is a village under the care of ever-enthusiastic Pastor Claude. A practical legend amongst his own community and many others, Claude has a passion for loving the orphan because he was one himself.
Growing up […]


Dressed for success

By GO Fellow Sarah Herrera 
Though school in Haiti is expensive – and indeed a privilege – paying for it is not an unconquerable feat. With school standards high and the requirements currently consisting of specific uniforms and closed-toe shoes, […]


Singing in the rain

By GO Fellow Sarah Herrera
The day was cool, the sky was clouded, and I sat contently amongst my two new friends as we each practiced the other’s language, laughing at the silliness that comes with such barriers. In the […]


Drawing Jesus' house

By Trip Manager Stepanie Mutert, 
Championing artistic talent in the kids within the local church’s care is an exciting endeavor. Comparably, it is like art class for the first time and discovering which kids are good at drawing buildings, which […]


Pages turn and imaginations ignite

By Trip Manager Stephanie Mutert
When I was a kid, bedtime always equaled reading. To this day, I still have childhood favorites that quickly come to mind, and I’m grateful the opportunity ingrained in me a deep love for reading […]


Ready to love without boundaries

By GO Fellow Sarah Herrera
We read that God loves orphans and we sing about how Jesus loves the little children of the world, and so we take it upon ourselves to echo His ways and try and mirror His […]


Daily Faithfulness. Radical Transformation

We went to Lira today to visit our partners and the children in their care at The Father’s House. Located in a part of the country terrorized for years by LRA rebels, Lira is a difficult place, so it […]


Another God Story

An update from the field from GO Africa’s Executive Director, Dr. Alison Barfoot
How does a suburban Washington, D.C., music major girl end up talking to local church leaders in eastern Africa about increasing their care and support for the […]


A Different Kind of Convert

Some are surprised to learn that caring for orphans is political. Yet, most understand a mix of money, Jesus, poverty, and vulnerable children makes a spicy cocktail, resulting in global pressure from UNICEF to shut down orphanages (Read more […]