Tag - us orphans

Ripples from the Underground

This morning The Culture House and Störling Dance Theater dedicated a performance of Underground to children in Kansas City, especially children who need family – US Orphans. For those who haven’t seen this award-winning production, do yourself a favor […]


Demolition and Orphan Care

One of our KC church partners, World Harvest Church, has begun the process of developing an employment/training center for older youth in their community who don’t have families. The plan is simple: create a space for businesses who are […]


Celebrating God moving!

At GO Project, we believe we are living within a movement of God. He is moving through His church to care for His children, and in the process, He is purifying His Church. The blessings flow both ways. It’s […]


Help our KC partner welcome a new member into their family

After a lot of groundwork, our partner, Pathway Community Church in Olathe, Kansas has launched Spero House. Spero House is a home for young women in Johnson County whose biological family isn’t willing or able to care for them […]


A family and church family caring for children in Brownwood

This April, GO Project partnered with Bishop Aaron Blake to help local churches in Texas provide family for children in need. Caring for children without family was nothing new to Bishop Blake. Ten years ago, he and his church […]


US kids helping US kids

We’ve met some faithful churches who are willing to trade their “normal” for the “hard-work privilege” of caring for God’s kids. We love that! His Bride will continue to be the heartbeat of this ministry, but Jesus hasn’t stopped […]


A "Ripple"

The church partners in the Adopt|KC movement are opening their doors to orphans right here in Kansas City. They are calling willing families to get trained and licensed. Some churches are renovating houses to provide a place for stable […]