Tag - orphan care

Rebuilding in Haiti: Community Caring for Kids

On the morning of August 14, 2021, news spread like wildfire that a 7.2 magnitude earthquake had hit the southwestern part of Haiti. Just as efforts got underway to deliver essential supplies to our local church partners and the […]


Haitian leader dreams of a world where all fathers care for their children

At GO Project, we’re proud to employ a diverse group of leaders who are deeply familiar with the places where we serve and passionate about lifting up the people who live there. Odinès Paulimé has been a vital member […]


Helping Kids in Need: Chip Ingram’s Interview with Joe Knittig

Jesus gave us the commandment to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. In this interview with Chip Ingram, our CEO Joe Knittig shares what it truly means […]


India needs our help to fight COVID-19

On May 1, India set a devastating world record by surpassing 400,000 daily COVID cases. The country is in a state of crisis with cases surging at an alarming rate and a rising death toll of over 200,000 people. […]


Different December 2020

We can all agree this year was different. Different circumstances. Different challenges. Through it all, we give thanks for your steadfast support of the child.
We exit every year asking our family of supporters to take part in a Different […]


Providing safety and comfort during conflict

In 2019, we expanded our initiatives to care for children who have lost their families and homes due to tribal conflict and ethnic cleansing. We united with the local church to care for children and families affected by violence […]


Orphan Care | Different December 2019

We exit every year asking our family of supporters to take part in a Different December; to give to a fund that supports the unseen, practical, hard stuff that is necessary to serve orphaned and vulnerable children. This year, […]


Renise’s Story

In many areas of the world, houses don’t have addresses. Central power and water don’t exist for people who live there; people like Renise. As best we can tell, Renise turned twelve in 2009. She doesn’t know her birthday, so […]


We stand for the orphan every day | Orphan Sunday 2019

On Orphan Sunday, Christians stand for the orphan and vulnerable.
At GO Project, we stand for the orphan and vulnerable every day. To do so, our goal is to focus on orphan prevention and set traditional, institutional vulnerable child care […]


Inaugural Global Leadership Summit

Our leaders from around the world (Uganda, India, Lebanon, Haiti and U.S.) gathered for our inaugural Global Leadership Summit in Uganda this month. The two-week long summit was full of planning, growth, fellowship that included lots of dancing and […]