Tag - Mountain Biking

Super Mario

One of my favorite GO Adventures images is from an early scouting trip we took to Haiti in November 2012. In it, my friend, Tony, is sitting on the running board of our M35 support vehicle—a relentless three-axle, two-and-a-half-ton beast of […]


The Far Side of the Desert

There are only two dirt roads that will lead you to the northwest tip of Haiti. The first road takes you west along the northern coast, over a couple of river crossings and through a near lunar landscape. The […]


Notes from Kabale, Uganda: The Eyes of Jesus

Our scouting team for the 2014 Tour d’Uganda has spent the past two days in the area around the beautiful mountain town of Kabale, just a few kilometers north of the border of Rwanda. We are staying at a […]


Peaks and Valleys

Early last April, Nate Krumsig, John Maynard and I were scouting a section of road in northwest Haiti between the mountain town of Mare Rouge and Jean Rabel. It was a fast, seven-mile descent down a wide, rock-strewn road, […]