Tag - hossana

Celebrating the Ethiopian New Year

Ethiopia follows a different calendar than the calendar used by North America and Europe. Ethiopian New Year is on 11th September, and it is a big holiday celebration throughout the entire country. Homes are decorated inside and out to […]


Excited about Ethiopia

I’m still smiling after recent visits to our Ethiopian, Kale Hewyet (Word of Life) partner churches in Hossana and Koncko.  They no longer see orphan care as a foreigners’ ministry.  Rather, they view the Father’s House as their ministry, the ministry […]


First Partner Village in Ethiopia, Hossana, comes to life!

The word Hosanna can be translated to mean deliver us, save now, or as a cry of praise or adoration. Spelled a little differently, our first partner church in Ethiopia, Hossana, now means children who needed family now have […]