22 million kids rely on school lunches | CarePortal

Schools are reopening for the fall semester with a variety of remote, hybrid and in-person options and children are learning, but many of them are going hungry, too.
In the U.S., 22 million kids receive free or reduced-price lunch during […]


The global food crisis | GO Project

Six out of twelve. That’s how many of the countries we serve in are on the list of countries with anticipated global food shortages due to COVID-19*.

Pre-pandemic, there were already 820 million chronically food-insecure people around the world. By year-end, 265 […]


The national food crisis | CarePortal

The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has disrupted lives across the nation. As we try to recover even a semblance of pre-virus normalcy, there’s one group of people who are easy to overlook in the midst of the chaos — the […]


Holiday e-newsletter

A Christmas Message from Joe Knittig:
Lead a Christmas season of TRANSFORMATION.
Romans 12:2 says: Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Conformity is a drag. […]


New Food Distribution Program for Haiti

Feeding orphan children is not easy, in fact when things like Hurricanes hit it is downright hard. That’s why continuing to improve food distribution in Haiti has been particularly important.
Some facts on Haiti:

80% of the people live off […]