Tag - COVID-19 Update

A testimonial from Lebanon | “We have become all the same”

In the midst of all this chaos, Mohamad Ataya, a member of Tyre Church, our local partner in Lebanon, shared his testimonial on the impact of the Beirut explosion:
“We have become all the same, all in need of help, […]


A Field Update from Lebanon | Mercy. Opportunity. Advancement.

Our President, Trace Thurlby, recently landed in Beirut and has shared a field update:
The damage exceeded the casualties. When driving the streets of Beirut last night, I could not believe that more people weren’t killed in last week’s explosion. […]


The global food crisis | GO Project

Six out of twelve. That’s how many of the countries we serve in are on the list of countries with anticipated global food shortages due to COVID-19*.

Pre-pandemic, there were already 820 million chronically food-insecure people around the world. By year-end, 265 […]


Virtual Care | An update from GO MENA

Our partners in Tyre, Lebanon have found innovative ways to continue to care for vulnerable children and families, despite the current state of the world making it challenging. Their community is struggling with curfews and grocery runs – just […]


Butterflies, Bats and Breakfast | An update from Trace Thurlby, GO Project President

For years, mathematicians, engineers and even philosophers have discussed and debated the idea that a butterfly flapping its wings in the United States can create a hurricane in China. Given enough time, the theory goes, seemingly small events can […]