Tag - chickens

If we build it, they will come!

Hope and hard work in Koncko, Ethiopia
The prayerful legacy of Pastor Bachore continues to fill the Koncko community with hope and zeal for building a promising future. They are resourceful and entrepreneurial. We saw the enthusiasm and joy on […]


My Window

A reflection on a recent vision trip to Haiti by Pastor Bill Renno:
The first day in Haiti for me was like walking up to the front door of Geisinger Medical Center (a local, huge hospital) equipped with only Dr. […]


737 chickens and counting…

Earlier this year a talented group of eighth graders came up with an idea: to use their voices, time and talents to help children hundreds of miles away. Their goal: to raise funds to purchase 100, $10 chickens for […]


Chicken Delivery

Today was a chicken delivery to GO Project’s partner-led village All In One. From Pastor Kesnel…
Dear brothers and sisters this is Rev. Joseph Kesnel your brother in Christ Jesus who wanted to thank you all for your hard work you […]