So there’s a mom, a goat farmer, and a pastor…

So There’s This Mom, a Goat Farmer, and a Pastor…
“I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me, and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do […]


Slice of Life

I’ve gone like a rabbit to hole on this blog. Sorry. Great to be back.
I just went to have a physical. First one since high school!
On the drive home from the doc, I’m wondering what else is going on […]


Not About Us

Trace Thurlby, Live from KC
For the first time since the earthquake, we’re all home in KC. We’re grateful for the opportunity to process, plan, worship with our families during Holy week, and prepare for what God has for […]


From the Field: Haiti Relief & Redevelopment

Haiti Update 3/19/10
From Trace Thurlby live in Haiti:
Pleasant Valley Baptist’s team of 20 arrived yesterday afternoon. After a brief time with our OTV kids and dinner, they were able to verify that KU won, a fact met with satisfaction […]


From the Field: Haiti Recovery

Haiti Update 3/12/10
Per our Phase 2 Action Plan, we are our launching our GO Fund to start businesses in markets where we’d be a major customer. Create economy; create good jobs; use profits to pay for orphan care.
One […]


Haiti Recovery: Earthquake Updates

Haiti Update: 2/28/10
From Joe Knittig live in Haiti:
Yesterday was a confusing and anxious day. Today was a day of peace, even amidst uncertainty. The update from Cayes is that all the children there are fine. Thank God. […]


First Fridays at C3

Ready to get involved? Looking for something great to do with your small group, church, business, family you name it?