Sweet Dreams for Boys Reunited With Mom
Two boys in LA County are sleeping comfortably and safely at home, back in their mother’s care, thanks to several generous members of their community.
Through her own hard work, this mom was able to reunite with her sons, ages 9 and 3, less than one year after they had been removed from the home and placed with a relative. As a single parent, mom does everything she can to maintain the household, take her boys to medical and mental health appointments, and provide for their basic needs, even if that means picking up extra shifts at work.
During a home visit to see how the family was settling in, the social worker noticed that the boys’ beds were getting too small for their growing bodies. Purchasing new beds would be a challenge, so the social worker shared the need in CarePortal to see if the community could help this mom and her boys. Multiple churches as well as a community movement group responded that they could help provide the two twin bed frames, mattresses, and sheets that were needed.
One of the churches took the lead in gathering all of the items, and the mom allowed the community members to deliver everything to her home. They prayed over the family and mom was very welcoming of this support and connection since she had grown up going to church.
“At the next home visit, the kids were excited to show me their new beds, pillows, and comforters,” said the social worker. “As a result of the community meeting this need, mom was able to save some money and move the family into a new housing program that will provide long-term stability.
Meeting this need was vital to preventing these two boys from re-entering foster care. This mom and her sons are settling back into life as a family knowing that a caring community is behind them, ready to help them succeed.
Is your church ready to respond to real-time needs of children and families in your community? Visit CarePortal.org to enroll your church and respond to open requests today!