Surrender-Significance; Obedience-Adventure
Mike Fox is often asked to speak to men’s groups about moving from success to significance. Recently, I heard him answer such a request with this: “I’ll be happy to talk about that, but please know this – I can’t talk about significance without talking about surrender.”
This morning on the radio I heard, “One thousand people wait for you on the other side of obedience.” Can this be true?  Are our lives really this interconnected? Is it possible your actions could impact so many? Does adventure really await on the other side of obedience? Yes! In fact, it does.
When one person says, “Here I am, Lord. Send me.” Doors open. Friendships form. “Coincidences” start occurring. Lives are transformed; sometimes through orphan care. We see it all the time and celebrate it every time. Whatever the adventure, it doesn’t come without obedience. Ask someone their story. Look for the point when they said, “Yes” to God, and realize that Mike is right. There is no significance without surrender.